万盛集团环保处理有限公司,作为专业从事有毒电子材料处理及从事废品、不良品环保处理的先行者,我们有严格的销毁操作规程和监督管理制度,确保产品彻底销毁,并严格保护客户的商业机密。经历了二十多年的发展壮大,与比亚迪、格力、富士康、中兴、华为、蓝思科技等很多大公司有合作,我们希望与热爱环保的企业真诚协作,承诺将以最快的速度、最佳的价格、最优的品质为客户做好服务,共创美好未来! Wansheng group environmental treatment co., LTD., as a professional engaged in toxic electronic materials and other toxic materials processing pioneer.After more than 20 years of development and growth, we have cooperated with many large companies such as byd, gree, foxconn, zte and huawei.We hope to cooperate sincerely with the environment-friendly enterprises, and promise to serve our customers with the fastest speed, the best price and the best quality to create a better future